Privacy law refers to the laws that deal with the regulating, storing, and using of personally identifiable information of individuals, which can be collected by governments, public or private organisations, or other individuals. Privacy laws are considered within the context of an individual’s privacy rights or within reasonable expectation of privacy. The right to privacy is not explicitly stated anywhere in the Bill of Rights. The idea of a right to privacy was first addressed within a legal context in the United States. Louis Brandeis (later a Supreme Court justice) (…)
Poverty Law
Poverty law is the practice of law as it intersects with the less privileged in society. The practice of poverty law concerns itself with making sure that poor people and the disadvantaged are treated fairly under the law. Poverty law isn’t always representing clients in court. It might include analysis of issues that impact the poor. It also might include advocacy for changes in laws and policies. Poverty law is a broad term that includes many different government entities, private businesses, groups (…)
Personal Injury Law
Personal injury law is the body of civil law that allows individuals to bring a legal claim when they’re hurt because of the wrongful actions of someone else. The purpose of personal injury law is to require the people who are responsible for an accident to pay for the damages that they cause. Personal injury law aims to use money in order to compensate victims when they’re hurt because of another person’s negligent or intentional act. Personal injury law is (…)
Patent Law
Patent law is the area of law that deals with an inventor’s exclusive right to use their own invention. The area of patent law aims to encourage new products and inventions by granting creators the legal right to use and profit from the things that they create. Patent attorneys help clients apply for patents, enforce patents and challenge them. Patent law is part of intellectual property law. What is United States patent law? Patent law is U.S. federal law. It comes (…)
Parliamentary law
Parliamentary law is the collection of laws, rules and procedures that organizations use to conduct business. Parliamentary law is the set of rules that a public or private group uses to conduct meetings or otherwise go about their affairs. Parliamentary lawyers facilitate the use of parliamentary laws. They also help their clients challenge decisions when the procedure used to arrive at those decisions may be in question. Parliamentary law makes an organization run in a uniform way All organizations must (…)
Oil and Gas Law
Oil and gas law is the area of law that governs oil and gas production. Oil and gas laws determine who owns the right to mine for oil and gas. It determines what conditions miners have to follow when they harvest oil and gas. The field of oil and gas law is a mix of common law, statutory law and administrative regulations that govern the mining and harvesting of these natural resources in the United States. What are oil and gas (…)
Obscenity Law
Obscenity law is the law that regulates what images, speech and other expressions individuals can lawfully communicate. Obscenity law concerns itself with banning or suppressing speech that violates standards of good taste and decency. The area of law balances legitimate communication in a free society with the purposes of public censorship. The practice of obscenity law involves prosecuting and defending cases that challenge and interpret obscenity laws. Why do obscenity laws exist? Obscenity laws protect a sense of morality in (…)
Native American Law
Native American law is the collection of laws, administrative rules and other authorities that impact Native American populations and their relationship to the United States and state governments. Native American law defines the relationships between Native American tribes and other governments. It also encompasses the self-government of Native American tribes. Achievements in Native American law There are several purposes to Native American law. The laws seek to allow Native Americans to self-govern in an effective and fair way. The laws (…)
Nationality Law
Nationality law is the body of law that governs how a person gains or loses citizenship. Also called citizenship law, nationality law is the law of how a person becomes a citizen of a country or forfeits the citizenship of a country. The area of law also involves the rights and obligations of a citizen. Nationality law is distinct from immigration law Even though immigration law has a lot of overlap with nationality law, they’re not quite the same things. Immigration (…)
Mutual Funds Law
Mutual funds are a form of investment where the shareholders combine money in order to invest in several stocks, money market investments, and bonds as opposed to just purchasing stock in one company. Mutual funds are regulated through investment laws. Mutual funds are more extensively regulated than other pooled investment options like hedge funds, and that’s a good thing for the everyday investor. Mutual funds must comply with a strict set of rules that are monitored by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). (…)
Music Law
Music law is the law that affects the music industry. Music is commercially bought and sold in the United States and around the world. Any law that impacts how the music industry does business is part of music law. Music law includes any laws of any kind that apply to the business of creating, selling, performing and listening to music. Music law is a part of entertainment law. Who does music law impact? Music laws impact most people in society (…)
Mining Law
Mining law is the collection of laws and regulations that apply to mining activities. There are a diverse set of laws and rules that directly and indirectly govern mining in the United States. Mining laws determine who can mine, where they can mine and how they may go about mining. Mining laws include federal, state and local laws and regulations Mining laws come from a number of sources. The federal government has laws that govern mining on both public and (…)
Military Law
Military law is any law that governs the operation of the U.S. military. Military law is a body of law that’s separate and supplementary to U.S. civil and criminal law. Every service member in the armed forces is subject to military law. In addition to laws that govern the conduct of military officials, there are also laws that help military members transition into civil society after their service. Military law governs military operations and governs the conduct of individuals who (…)
Mergers and Acquisitions Law
Mergers and acquisitions are business transactions that result in the purchase or takeover of one company by another. When companies complete a merger or acquisition, they combine businesses or absorb one business entity into the other. The transaction allows a business to become larger or smaller or change their business structure. Mergers and acquisitions law involves advising companies about potential mergers and acquisitions. It also involves negotiating the transaction and preparing the necessary paperwork to complete the merger or acquisition. What is (…)
Medical Malpractice Law
Medical malpractice law is the body of civil law that compensates victims of poor medical treatment. It’s a body of law that provides financial compensation when a person seeks medical care and receives care that falls below reasonable, professional standards. Medical malpractice law is the law that allows victims of poor medical care to receive financial compensation for their increased medical costs as well as for their pain and suffering. What is medical malpractice? Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor’s (…)
Media Law
Media law is law that regulates media production and use. Media law can encompass many different types of media including broadcast television, internet and print media. The practice of media law may involve all of the types of legal issues that might arise during the production or consumption of various types of media. Not all types of media are created the same The government treats different types of media very differently when it comes to regulations and oversight. Broadcast media (…)
Martial Law
Martial law is a military takeover of a country’s civil legal system. When a country has martial law, there’s no independent judiciary to oversee law enforcement activities. Instead, law enforcement can make arrests without any independent body to oversee or monitor their activities. Martial law means that the military and other law enforcement bodies control the movement and detention of individuals within in the country. To challenge martial law, a detainee brings a petition for habeas corpus. United States law (…)
Maritime Law
Maritime law is the collection of laws and agreements that govern behavior and activities on the seas. The area of law governs how people interact and do business on the waters of the world. Also called admiralty law, maritime law primarily governs activities on international waters. However, there are also laws that apply to the waters in and near each country. Generally, each country applies their own laws to inland waters like lakes and rivers. When most Americans board a (…)
Land Use & Zoning Law
Land use and zoning law is the law that determines how a landowner can use their land. Land use and zoning law involves the creation, application and challenges of land use laws. Government bodies create laws that restrict what landowners can do with their real property. The laws may control how landowners can develop property, what types of activities they can do with their property or both. Land use and zoning law is the restriction of a private property owner’s (…)
Labor Law
Labor laws are the laws that govern the relationships between employers and employees when employees unionize. Labor laws regulate whether employees can join together to negotiate employment terms collectively. When laws allow collective bargaining, they determine the obligations and rights of the employer and employees. Where do labor laws come from? Lawmakers pass labor laws with the goal of making the employer-employee relationship fair to everyone involved. Proponents believe that workers have an unfair bargaining position compared to the resources and (…)