Statutory Law

Statutory Law

Statutory law is law that’s written by a legislative body. It’s law that a government deliberately creates through elected legislators and an official legislative process. It’s up to the judiciary to interpret and enforce statutory law, but the judiciary can’t create statutory law. Laws created by statute are often codified. That means they’re all put together in one place and given numbers for reference. For example, the United States Code is the indexed collection of U.S. law. States have their own collections of statutes (…)

Penologists Careers


Penology, a sub type of sociology, is the study of management of prisons and jails and of rehabilitating convicts. Penologists are sociologists who spend most of their time working inside prisons with prisoners. In addition, penologists will aid prison security by helping to prevent disturbances such as escapes, assaults, and other antisocial behavior that can result in disruptions. Local, state, and federal prisons all employ penologists. A penologist can find a job in both low security and maximum security environments. (…)

Military Lawyer

Military Law

Military law is any law that governs the operation of the U.S. military. Military law is a body of law that’s separate and supplementary to U.S. civil and criminal law. Every service member in the armed forces is subject to military law. In addition to laws that govern the conduct of military officials, there are also laws that help military members transition into civil society after their service. Military law governs military operations and governs the conduct of individuals who (…)

Media Lawyer

Media Law

Media law is law that regulates media production and use. Media law can encompass many different types of media including broadcast television, internet and print media. The practice of media law may involve all of the types of legal issues that might arise during the production or consumption of various types of media. Not all types of media are created the same The government treats different types of media very differently when it comes to regulations and oversight. Broadcast media (…)

Mutual Funds Law

Mutual Funds Law

Mutual funds are a form of investment where the shareholders combine money in order to invest in several stocks, money market investments, and bonds as opposed to just purchasing stock in one company. Mutual funds are regulated through investment laws. Mutual funds are more extensively regulated than other pooled investment options like hedge funds, and that’s a good thing for the everyday investor. Mutual funds must comply with a strict set of rules that are monitored by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). (…)

game warden careers

How to Become a Fish and Game Warden

States rely on trained and deputized fish and game wardens in order to protect natural resources within their states. It’s work for people who think the outdoors is serious fun. A fish and game warden is a highly trained professional. Their training prepares them for the important and difficult work of making rules and regulations that protect natural resources and enforcing those rules effectively. A fish and game warden is a representative of the state that protects natural resources on behalf of (…)

Entertainment Lawyers

Entertainment Law

Entertainment law is the collection of the many areas of law that impact the entertainment industry. Entertainment law is the sum total of several different types of law that are relevant to the entertainment industry including transactional law and litigation. Laws that impact the entertainment industry include federal and state laws, rules created by government agencies and common law legal precedent created by the courts. Entertainment law impacts not only the talent that performs in the entertainment industry but also the production aspects (…)

criminal lawyer

Criminal Law

Criminal law is the area of law that relates to prohibited conduct in society. When government leaders take steps to ban certain actions, they create crimes. Criminal law is the area of law that involves enforcing criminal law as well as defending against allegations of violations of criminal law. The purpose of outlawing conduct is to protect society. Law makers typically pass a law with the belief that it’s for the public good. Criminal laws must be applied evenly to (…)

Become a Correctional Officer

How to Become a Correctional Officer

Correctional officers have the job of overseeing those individuals that are arrested and are waiting for trial or those that have been sentenced to jail, prison, or some other type of reformatory terms. Correctional officers work in correctional institutions, which can be hazardous and quite stressful at times. This position has a high rate of nonfatal injuries. Some of the duties of a correctional officer include: Enforcing the rules and keeping order within prisons or jails. Supervising the activities of (…)

Doctor of Laws (J.S.D./S.J.D.)

Doctor of Laws (J.S.D./S.J.D.)

After graduating with a Juris Doctor a person is eligible for practicing law in the particular state where they pass their bar examination. A person may then go on to specialize in a specific area of the law and study for a Master of Laws degree. For those individuals that prefer to work in academia or in other types of work that has an emphasis in legal scholarship, the Doctor of Laws is the next step. A Doctor of Laws (…)

Oil and Gas Law

Oil and Gas Law

Oil and gas law is the area of law that governs oil and gas production. Oil and gas laws determine who owns the right to mine for oil and gas. It determines what conditions miners have to follow when they harvest oil and gas. The field of oil and gas law is a mix of common law, statutory law and administrative regulations that govern the mining and harvesting of these natural resources in the United States. What are oil and gas (…)

Energy law

Energy Law

Energy law is the field of law concerned with creating, enforcing and challenging laws that regulate energy use. Laws exist that regulate the creation and harvesting of energy. There are laws that regulate taxation of energy use. Energy companies and the public alike must navigate energy laws as they relate to the sale, use and conservation of energy resources. Many people don’t realize how much energy laws and regulations impact their daily life. Each time you put gasoline in your (…)

franchise law

Franchise Law

Franchise law is the body of law that relates to making, operating and ending franchise relationships. Franchise law encompasses laws and regulations at all levels of government that govern how corporations and individuals may enter into franchise relationships. The practice of franchise law involves helping clients understand and comply with franchise laws. It may also include enforcing franchise laws or advocating for changes to the law. What is a franchise? A franchise is the legal use of another company’s business (…)

Parliamentary law

Parliamentary law

Parliamentary law is the collection of laws, rules and procedures that organizations use to conduct business. Parliamentary law is the set of rules that a public or private group uses to conduct meetings or otherwise go about their affairs. Parliamentary lawyers facilitate the use of parliamentary laws. They also help their clients challenge decisions when the procedure used to arrive at those decisions may be in question. Parliamentary law makes an organization run in a uniform way All organizations must (…)

International Trade and Finance Law

International Trade Law

International trade law is the set of laws and agreements that govern commerce between countries. International trade laws create the rules that countries and businesses must follow in order to do business across borders. Lawyers who work in the field help create international agreements. They also educate businesses about what they need to do in order to comply with rules and regulations for international trade. International trade law is federal law The U.S. government has exclusive authority to create international (…)

Cyber Law

Cyber law

Cyber law otherwise known as “internet law” is the area of law that regulates how people use the internet. There are cyber laws that are criminal laws and there are cyber laws that are civil laws. Any law or regulation that involves how people use computers, smartphones, the internet and other related technology is cyber law. Cyber law is also called digital law. As technology changes, the laws that govern electronic communication change, too. Cyber law encompasses all of the (…)

Transportation Law

Transportation Law

Transportation law is the body of law that governs transportation infrastructure and its use. It regulates the way that people travel using any method of transportation including railways, air travel, vehicular travel and even waterways. Much of transportation law comes from the government agencies that make regulations and oversee compliance with the regulations that they create. Transportation law also involves companies and individuals that must understand and follow the regulations. Where does transportation law come from? Most transportation law in (…)

Defamation Law

Defamation Law

Defamation law is the area of law that relates to communications about the reputation of another person. Defamatory speech is a communication that might hurt the reputation of someone else. The purpose of the area of law is to protect people from having their lives and livelihoods ruined or significantly altered because of untrue statements against them. However, the law still protects a person’s First Amendment right to speak freely without being held liable for saying something insulting, making a (…)

employment law

Employment Law

Employment law is the collection of laws and rules that regulate relationships between employers and employees. Employment laws say when an employer can hire employees and when the employees can work. The laws cover what an employer must pay the employee for their work. They create minimum requirements for working conditions for employees. Following employment law When an employer wants to hire someone, there’s a lot they have to know. There are minimum wage laws that require the employer to (…)

DEA Careers, Salary and Job Requirements

DEA Agent

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (, the DEA is the premier drug enforcement organization in the world and the only single mission federal agency dedicated to drug law enforcement. Using unique operational and intelligence capabilities, the men and women of DEA identify, investigate, disrupt, and dismantle major drug trafficking organizations and those who facilitate them, remove drugs and violent criminals from our neighborhoods, and fight the diversion of licit drugs. For those that are interested in working for the Drug (…)